Sound bites from Angie Schotmuller: Marketeers are liars
16:02Angie Schotmuller was talking about social proof. That is a important subject for your website. People don't trust us and marketeers are liars, Angie was telling us.
- We have a lot of fear and don't trust companies
- Marketeers are liars
- Consumers don’t trust us
- Implementing social proof is 12 times more effective in marketing
Identify what fears them, you have to reduce fear
Angie made a social proof scorecard:
- Social proof scorecard: 7 Factors of Social Proof Persuasion Quality
- Credible (believable, authentic, trustworthy, authoritative, “ethos”)
- Relevant(pertinent, germane, applicable, meaningful, important)
- Attractive (emotional trigger, value-added, satisfying, “pathos”)
- Visual (pictured, drawn, mapped, graphed, viewable)
- Enumerated (quantified, scored, ranked, calculated, “logos”)
- Nearby (close, proximate, or near uncertainty/anxiety points)
- Specific (distinct, descriptive, named, detailed, precise)
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